6. Integration

Axes is intended to be pluggable and usable with custom authentication solutions. This document describes the integration with some popular 3rd party packages such as Django Allauth, Django REST Framework, and other tools.

In the following table Compatible means that a component should be fully compatible out-of-the-box, Functional means that a component should be functional after configuration, and Incompatible means that a component has been reported as non-functional with Axes.






Django REST Framework

Django Allauth

Django Simple Captcha

Django OAuth Toolkit

Django Reversion

Django Auth LDAP

Please note that project compatibility depends on multiple different factors such as Django version, Axes version, and 3rd party package versions and their unique combinations per project.


This documentation is mostly provided by Axes users. If you have your own compatibility tweaks and customizations that enable you to use Axes with other tools or have better implementations than the solutions provided here, please do feel free to open an issue or a pull request in GitHub!

Integration with Django Allauth

Axes relies on having login information stored under AXES_USERNAME_FORM_FIELD key both in request.POST and in credentials dict passed to user_login_failed signal.

This is not the case with Allauth. Allauth always uses the login key in post POST data but it becomes username key in credentials dict in signal handler.

To overcome this you need to use custom login form that duplicates the value of username key under a login key in that dict and set AXES_USERNAME_FORM_FIELD = 'login'.

You also need to decorate dispatch() and form_invalid() methods of the Allauth login view.




from allauth.account.forms import LoginForm

class AxesLoginForm(LoginForm):
    Extended login form class that supplied the
    user credentials for Axes compatibility.

    def user_credentials(self):
        credentials = super().user_credentials()
        credentials['login'] = credentials.get('email') or credentials.get('username')
        return credentials


from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator

from allauth.account.views import LoginView

from axes.decorators import axes_dispatch
from axes.decorators import axes_form_invalid

from example.forms import AxesLoginForm

LoginView.dispatch = method_decorator(axes_dispatch)(LoginView.dispatch)
LoginView.form_invalid = method_decorator(axes_form_invalid)(LoginView.form_invalid)

urlpatterns = [
    # Override allauth default login view with a patched view
    path('accounts/login/', LoginView.as_view(form_class=AxesLoginForm), name='account_login'),
    path('accounts/', include('allauth.urls')),

Integration with Django REST Framework


The following guide only covers authentication schemes that rely on Django’s authenticate() function. Other schemes (e.g. TokenAuthentication) are currently not supported.

Django Axes requires REST Framework to be connected via lockout signals for correct functionality.

You can use the following snippet in your project signals such as example/signals.py:

from django.dispatch import receiver

from axes.signals import user_locked_out
from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied

def raise_permission_denied(*args, **kwargs):
    raise PermissionDenied("Too many failed login attempts")

And then configure your application to load it in examples/apps.py:

from django import apps

class AppConfig(apps.AppConfig):
    name = "example"

    def ready(self):
        from example import signals  # noqa

Please check the Django signals documentation for more information:


When a user login fails a signal is emitted and PermissionDenied raises a HTTP 403 reply which interrupts the login process.

This functionality was handled in the middleware for a time, but that resulted in extra database requests being made for each and every web request, and was migrated to signals.

Integration with Django Simple Captcha

Axes supports Captcha with the Django Simple Captcha package in the following manner.


AXES_LOCKOUT_URL = '/locked'


url(r'^locked/$', locked_out, name='locked_out'),


class AxesCaptchaForm(forms.Form):
    captcha = CaptchaField()


from axes.utils import reset_request
from django.http.response import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.urls import reverse_lazy

from .forms import AxesCaptchaForm

def locked_out(request):
    if request.POST:
        form = AxesCaptchaForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('auth_login'))
        form = AxesCaptchaForm()

    return render(request, 'accounts/captcha.html', {'form': form})


<form action="" method="post">
    {% csrf_token %}

    {{ form.captcha.errors }}
    {{ form.captcha }}

    <div class="form-actions">
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Integration with Django OAuth Toolkit

Django OAuth toolkit is not designed to work with Axes, but some users have reported that they have configured validator classes to function correctly.


from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.http import HttpRequest, QueryDict

from oauth2_provider.oauth2_validators import OAuth2Validator

from axes.helpers import get_client_ip_address, get_client_user_agent

class AxesOAuth2Validator(OAuth2Validator):
    def validate_user(self, username, password, client, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Check username and password correspond to a valid and active User

        Set defaults for necessary request object attributes for Axes compatibility.
        The ``request`` argument is not a Django ``HttpRequest`` object.

        _request = request
        if request and not isinstance(request, HttpRequest):
            request = HttpRequest()

            request.uri = _request.uri
            request.method = request.http_method = _request.http_method
            request.META = request.headers = _request.headers
            request._params = _request._params
            request.decoded_body = _request.decoded_body

            request.axes_ip_address = get_client_ip_address(request)
            request.axes_user_agent = get_client_user_agent(request)

            body = QueryDict(str(_request.body), mutable=True)
            if request.method == 'GET':
                request.GET = body
            elif request.method == 'POST':
                request.POST = body

        user = authenticate(request=request, username=username, password=password)
        if user is not None and user.is_active:
            request = _request
            request.user = user
            return True

        return False


    'OAUTH2_VALIDATOR_CLASS': 'example.validators.AxesOAuth2Validator',
    'SCOPES': {'read': 'Read scope', 'write': 'Write scope'},

Integration with Django Reversion

Django Reversion is not designed to work with Axes, but some users have reported that they have configured a workaround with a monkeypatch function that functions correctly.


from django.urls import resolve

from reversion import views

def _request_creates_revision(request):
    view_name = resolve(request.path_info).url_name
    if view_name and view_name.endswith('login'):
        return False

    return request.method not in ["OPTIONS", "GET", "HEAD"]

views._request_creates_revision = _request_creates_revision